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Some of you might already know me as DemonLover from
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Man Candy

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Why is staying fit so hard??

Why does staying fit have to be so hard?
Don't fret, I truly believe that anything worth having requires work and effort... including a fit and healthy body.
If it was easy, then we'd have less obese Americans in this good 'ol USA.

Although I am not a supermodel, I am a Super-Mom and know that I have to stay healthy and fit not only for me, but for my family. Here are a few things that are helping me along the way:
  1. Be Positive, DON'T let negative words bring you down.
  2. Have a game plan, know what you are going to eat and when, keep snacks in the car (Almonds, granola bars, apple...)don't get caught on empty.
  3. Search out Support, we have groups for everything else, why not our health. Surround your self with positive people looking for the same thing as you. To be fit and healthy.
  4. Drink water!, my least favorite...but I'm getting better at it! Try to replace soda, juice and power/energy drinks with purified water. Most of the time we are thirsty, NOT hungry.
  5. Eat breakfeast! Even if this is a protein shake, with fruit or peanutbutter...get something in your mouth before you head out the door. Shakes can be quick and taken to go!
  6. Move. Walk, jog, run or join a class. Do it alone or with friends, but just do it.
  7. Lift Weights, talk to a trainer or certified instructor and get the basics. We need muscle to burn fat, and to get rid of those arm wings! Seriously, you don't have to be a body builder, weight training can deliver amazing results for the average jane.
Just know that I am right there along with you in this neverending struggle. What I don't know, I can find out.  I have vast resources of knowledge to pull from.
Please let me know what YOUR stumbling blocks are?
Do you have a exercise question?
Weight lifting  concern?

I promise to gets the facts from those who are: Better with Experience!


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